London, UK – Julia 1.0 was released today during JuliaCon 2018.
Today’s Julia 1.0 release is the most important Julia milestone since Julia was introduced in February 2012.
Julia 1.0 is the first complete, reliable, stable and forward-compatible Julia release. More information about Julia 1.0 is available here.
Julia is the fastest, simplest and most productive open-source programming language for scientific, numeric and mathematical computing.
Julia co-creators Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral Shah and Alan Edelman explain:
“During the last six and a half years, Julia has reached more than 2 million downloads and early adopters have already put Julia into production to power self-driving cars, robots, 3D printers and applications in precision medicine, augmented reality, genomics, energy trading, machine learning, financial risk management and space mission planning. With today’s Julia 1.0 release, Julia now provides the language stability that commercial customers require together with the unique combination of lightning speed and high productivity that gives Julia its competitive advantage compared with Python, R, C++ and Java.”
Julia users, partners and employers hiring Julia programmers include Amazon, Apple, BlackRock, Booz Allen Hamilton, Capital One, Comcast, Disney, Ernst & Young, Facebook, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Ford, Google, IBM, Intel, KPMG, Microsoft, NASA, Oracle, PwC and Uber.
Julia is used at more than 700 universities, research laboratories and research institutions worldwide including MIT, UC Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, University of Chicago, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Cambridge, Oxford, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Alan Turing Institute, Max Planck Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Ames Laboratory and Barts Cancer Institute.
Julia is free and open source with a large and growing community of more than 700 contributors, 2 million downloads, 1,900 packages, 41 thousand GitHub stars (cumulative for Julia language and Julia packages) and +101% annual download growth
Julia combines the high-level productivity and ease of use of Python and R with the lightning-fast speed of C++
Julia is the only high-level dynamic language that has run at petascale
Julia leveraged 650,000 cores and 1.3 million threads on 9,300 Knights Landing (KNL) nodes to catalog 188 million astronomical objects in just 14.6 minutes using the world’s sixth most powerful supercomputer
Julia provides speed and performance improvements of 1,000x or more for applications such as insurance risk modeling and astronomical image analysis
Julia delivers vast improvements in speed and performance on a wide range of architectures from a single laptop to the world’s sixth most powerful supercomputer, and from one node to thousands of nodes including multithreading, GPU and parallel computing capabilities
Julia powers the Federal Aviation Administration’s NextGen Aircraft Collision Avoidance System (ACAS-X), BlackRock’s trademark Aladdin analytics platform and the New York Federal Reserve Bank’s Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) macroeconomic model