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Julia Computing at JuliaCon 2021

Written by JuliaHub | Aug 20, 2021

This year’s JuliaCon was the biggest and best ever, with more than 300 presentations available for free on YouTube, more than 20 thousand registrations and more than 43 thousand unique YouTube viewers during the conference.

Julia Computing participated in at least 23 JuliaCon presentations this year.

Some of the highlights include:

State of Julia

Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Keno Fischer and Viral Shah presented the State of Julia, including recent and future improvements.

DevClass published a summary of the presentation titled State of Julia: The Future Looks Modular, Generic, and Fast which explains many of the most important and exciting developments.

These include speed increases for CSV.jl and DataFrames.jl, packages reaching 1.0, threading roadmap, faster method insertion, small type info improvements, inference improvements, subtyping and intersection fixes and speedups, CI stability, latency, system images, array optimizations, GC performance, compiler extensibility, new compiler directions, AbstractInterpreter, OpaqueClosure, compiler plugins, AD, BLAS, sparse matrices and linear algebra.

JuliaHub & JuliaSim

Viral Shah, Matt Bauman and Chris Rackauckas presented JuliaHub & JuliaSim, the Julia Computing sponsor presentation.

JuliaHub is the entry point for all things Julia: explore the ecosystem, build packages, deploy a supercomputer, develop Julia applications interactively using a browser-based IDE or by using the Pluto notebook environment and then scale workloads to thousands of cores.

JuliaSim is a next-generation cloud-based modeling and simulation platform, combining the latest techniques from scientific machine learning with equation-based digital twin modeling and simulation. For more information, check out Chris Rackauckas’s presentation JuliaSim: Machine Learning Accelerated Modeling and Simulation.

Julia User & Developer Survey

The third annual Julia User & Developer Survey was presented. 2,660 Julia users and developers from 104 countries participated, and explained how much and why they love Julia and the Julia community, as well as their biggest pain points and areas for improvement.

And More!

Other presentations featuring Julia Computing presenters include: