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Julia, The New Tech Skill Companies Demand in 2017

Written by JuliaHub | Jan 19, 2017

New York, NY – What do the following companies and organizations all have in common?

Apple, Amazon, Facebook, BlackRock, Ford, Oracle, Comcast, Massachusetts General Hospital, Farmers Insurance, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

They are all looking to hire Julia programmers in 2017.

“In the last quarter of 2016 and already in the first quarter of 2017, there is an explosion in the number of job postings for skilled Julia programmers,” said Viral Shah, Julia Computing CEO. “While 2016 showed tremendous growth among early adopters, 2017 is shaping up to be the breakout year for Julia adoption.”

Julia is the fastest modern high performance open source computing language for data and analytics. It combines the functionality and ease of use of R and Python with the speed of Java and C++. Julia delivers dramatic improvements in simplicity, speed, capacity and productivity.

1. Julia is lightning fast. Julia provides speed improvements up to 1,000x for insurance model estimation, 225x for parallel supercomputing image analysis and 11x for macroeconomic modeling. 2. Julia is easy to learn. Julia’s flexible syntax is familiar and comfortable for users of Python and R. 3. Julia integrates well with existing code and platforms. Users of Python, R and other languages can easily integrate their existing code into Julia. 4. Elegant code. Julia was built from the ground up for mathematical, scientific and statistical computing, and has advanced libraries that make coding simple and fast, and dramatically reduce the number of lines of code required – in some cases, by 90% or more. 5. Julia solves the two language problem. Because Julia combines the ease of use and familiar syntax of Python and R with the speed of C, C++ or Java, programmers no longer need to estimate models in one language and reproduce them in a faster production language. This saves time and reduces error and cost.

Julia users and partners include: Amazon, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, DARPA, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), MIT Lincoln Labs, Moore Foundation, Nobel Laureate Thomas J. Sargent, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY), Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES), BlackRock, Conning, Berkery Noyes, BestX and many of the world's largest investment banks, asset managers, fund managers, foreign exchange analysts, insurers, hedge funds and regulators. Julia is being used to analyze images of the universe and research dark matter, drive parallel computing on supercomputers, diagnose medical conditions, manage 3D printers, build drones, improve air safety, provide analytics for foreign exchange trading, insurance, regulatory compliance, macroeconomic modeling, sports analytics, manufacturing and much, much more.

Julia Computing was founded in 2015 by the co-creators of the Julia language to provide support to businesses and researchers who use Julia.