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JuliaHub Presentations at JuliaCon

Written by JuliaHub | Jul 14, 2023

JuliaHub is a platinum sponsor of JuliaCon 2023 and JuliaHub presenters will be part of at least 25 presentations during JuliaCon.   Click the links below to learn more about JuliaHub presenters and presentations.  

  JuliaHub Presenter(s) or Co-Presenter(s) Date and Time (US Eastern)
Keynote Dr. Chris Rackauckas, VP Modeling and Simulation Wed July 26, 9:45-10:30 am
JuliaHub Sponsor Talk Dr. Viral Shah, CEO and Co-Founder, and Dr. Chris Rackauckas, VP Modeling and Simulation Wed July 26, 10:30-10:40 am
Julia User & Developer Survey Results Andrew Claster, Marketing and Communications Wed July 26, 11:00-11:15 am
Shipping Julia Packages with System Images Joris Kraak, JuliaSim Technical Team Lead and Venkateshprasad Bhat, Software Engineer Wed July 26, 11:50 am -12:00 pm
Package Extensions Kristoffer Carlsson, Software Engineer Wed July 26, 3:00-3:30 pm
Continuous Improvement of the CI Ecosystem in Julia Dr. Eliot Saba, Senior Research Engineer and Anant Thazhemadam, Software Developer Wed July 26, 3:30-4:00 pm
What's New in the Julia Extension for VS Code Sebastian Pfitzner, Software Engineer Wed July 26, 3:50-4:00 pm
What's New with JET.jl Shuhei Kadowaki, Software Engineer Wed July 26, 3:50-4:00 pm
MarkdownAST.jl: Abstract Syntax Tree Interface for Markdown Dr. Morten Piibeleht, Software Engineer Wed July 26, 4:10-4:20 pm
Systems Biology: Community Needs, Plans, and Visions Dr. Paul Lang, Software Engineer and Anand Jain, Software Engineer Dr. Elisabeth Roesch, Sales Engineer Thu July 27, 10:30-11:30 am
Linear Analysis of ModelingToolkit Models Dr. Fredrik Bagge Carlson, Control Systems Team Lead Thu July 27, 12:00-12:30 pm
Julia Application Builders Joris Kraak, JuliaSim Technical Team Lead Thu July 27, 2:00-3:00 pm
Update on oneAPI.jl Developments Dr. Tim Besard, Software Engineer Thu July 27, 2:00-2:15 pm
Surrogatizing Dynamic Systems using JuliaSim: An Introduction Sharan Yalburgi, Research Engineer Thu July 27, 2:00-2:30 pm
Making a Julia Release Kristoffer Carlsson, Software Engineer Thu July 27, 2:30-3:00 pm
SciML: What, How, and Why? Vaibhav Dixit, Software Engineer Thu July 27, 2:30-3:00 pm
Intro to Modeling with ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary Dr. Fredrik Bagge Carlson, Control Systems Team Lead and Venkateshprasad Bhat, Software Engineer Thu July 27, 3:00-3:30 pm
Geometric Control of a Quadrotor : Simulation and Visualization Rajeev Voleti, JuliaSim Control Thu July 27, 3:50-4:00 pm
State of Julia Jameson Nash, Software Engineer Fri July 28, 9:00-9:45 am
Julia Systems Biology Dr. Paul Lang, Software Engineer and Anand Jain, Software Engineer Fri July 28, 10:30-11:30 am
A Brief History of the Julia Repository Kristoffer Carlsson, Software Engineer Fri July 28, 11:10-11:20 am
Accelerating Model Predictive Control with Machine Learning Dr. Avinash Subramanian, Control Engineer  Fri July 28, 12:00-12:10 pm
An Opinionated, but Configurable, GitLab CI Process for Julia Joris Kraak, JuliaSim Technical Team Lead Fri July 28, 4:00-4:10 pm
Declaratively Imposing Constraints Using ValueConstraints.jl Joris Kraak, JuliaSim Technical Team Lead Fri July 28, 4:20-4:30 pm
Logging in Julia: Logging stdlib and LoggingExtras.jl Dr. Frames Catherine White, EDA & Compiler Engineer Fri July 28, 4:30-5:00 pm