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JuliaCon 2019 Talks on YouTube | JuliaHub

Written by JuliaHub | Aug 12, 2019

JuliaCon 2019: JuliaCon 2019, held July 22-26 at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, was the biggest and best JuliaCon to date.

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch: Stefan Karpinski's JuliaCon presentation on The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch is available on YouTube.

Julia Computing JuliaCon Product Presentation:
 Stefan Karpinski delivered the Julia Computing JuliaCon sponsor presentation describing Julia Computing's products: JuliaSure, JuliaTeam, JuliaRun, JuliaPro and JuliaAcademy.

Composable Multi-Threaded Parallelism in Julia:
 Jeff Bezanson and Jameson Nash (Julia Computing) presented composable multi-threaded parallelism in Julia at JuliaCon. More information is available in this blog post in English and Chinese.

Julia User and Developer Survey Presentation:
 Viral Shah presented the results of the first annual Julia User and Developer Survey at JuliaCon. The results are also available on the JuliaLang blog.


All of the JuliaCon 2019 presentations are available on YouTube including:

Upcoming Julia Computing Events

Julia Computing will be participating in a number of upcoming conferences. Please contact us if you would like to meet with us at any of these events.

  1. New York: Strata Data Conference Sept 23-26 with Viral Shah, Stefan Karpinski, Jon Shepherd and Jerry Amaral (Julia Computing)

  2. Orlando: American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP10) with Viral Shah, Jon Shepherd and Andreas Noack (Julia Computing) Oct 20-23

  3. London: Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) with Avik Sengupta (Julia Computing) Nov 19-22

Live Online Instructor-Led Julia Training

Sign up now for live instructor-led online courses taught by Julia Computing instructors. Each course is 4 hours per day for two days, for a total of 8 hours of instruction per course.

Course Schedule Cost for 8 hours of live online instruction from Julia Computing instructors
Introduction to Julia Day 1: Wed Sept 4 from 11 am - 3 pm ET Day 2: Thurs Sept 5 from 11 am - 3 pm ET $250
Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Julia Day 1: Wed Sept 11 from 11 am - 3 pm ET Day 2: Thurs Sept 12 from 11 am - 3 pm ET $500
Parallel Computing in Julia Day 1: Wed Sept 18 from 11 am - 3 pm ET Day 2: Thurs Sept 19 from 11 am - 3 pm ET $500
Register & Pay

Technology Partnerz - Julia Wins Monte Carlo Benchmarking Evaluation: Technology Partnerz is a management consulting and technology firm specializing in predictive analytics. They benchmarked Julia, R, Excel, Oracle Crystal Ball and @Risk and declared Julia the overwhelming winner:

"And the winner is…. Julia! Julia is the fastest on all dimensions (including development time for coded solutions), period! … Julia is more than 2x faster than R and between 750 to 1500x faster than Excel simulation... Notwithstanding how much faster it may be to derive a one-off answer in Excel, if your goal is to develop a fast, reusable model in a clear and easy to use programming language, than the outcome is pretty much set in Julia's favor... Julia handles both vector math and looped structures with ease, making it a more forgiving and intuitive to learn. As for Julia, even though I started picking it up for this study, I have been looking at code snippets for years and each time it left me with the feeling 'Hey. I can do this also!' That feeling was well founded because within a few weeks in my off-time I was completely productive in Julia."

Pumas-AI Launches Pumas Software to Advance Drug Development and Patient Care: Pumas-AI is a new company established by University of Maryland School of Pharmacy faculty members Vijay Ivaturi and Joga Gobburu to advance drug development and patient care. Pumas-AI announced the release of Pumas (Pharmaceutical Modeling and Simulation), its first cutting-edge software platform for pharmaceutical researchers, developed together with Chris Rackauckas (MIT, Julia Computing) and Joakim Nyberg (Uppsala). More information is available from Technical.ly.

Julia - Come for the Syntax, Stay for the Speed: Nature published an excellent summary article about some of the latest highlights, developments and applications of Julia.

Julia Enters Twitter Controversy via New York Daily News: Alan Edelman (Julia Computing, MIT) discussed Julia, mathematics and addressed the Twitter controversy over the mathematical order of operations in the New York Daily News.

Zygote - A Differentiable Programming System to Bridge Machine Learning and Scientific Computing: Julia Computing's Mike Innes, Alan Edelman, Keno Fischer, Chris Rackauckas, Elliot Saba and Viral Shah and Will Tebbutt (University of Cambridge) published a paper about differentiable programming using Julia's Zygote. More information is available in Synced. The Hacker News comments are available here.

Mozilla Is Funding Development to Bring Julia to Firefox: Mozilla is providing funding to Valentin Churavy and the Julia Lab at MIT to bring Julia to Firefox. More information is available here in English, German, Polish, French, Chinese and Swedish.

Julia Computing Products - JuliaSure, JuliaTeam, JuliaRun, JuliaPro and JuliaAcademy: Are you facing challenges getting Julia to work for your organization? Contact the Julia Computing sales team to learn more about our solutions. There is no question related to Julia that our team can't answer.

JuliaSure: JuliaSure features support and indemnification for your enterprise. Contact Julia Computing for more information and pricing.

JuliaTeam: JuliaTeam from Julia Computing enables enterprise governance, making it easy and safe to install Julia packages within your firewall, help administrators keep track of what packages and versions are in use and ensure that all your external dependencies are secure and up-to-date.

JuliaTeam enables you to:

  • Read and search docs for all internal and external packages in a single place

  • Create and manage private package registries

  • Publish and test private packages as easily as public ones, making sure new versions work seamlessly with all the other versions of packages that your teams are using

  • Benchmark your code to make sure it runs as efficiently as possible and stays fast

  • Download a summary of licenses of all the software you depend on

For more information, contact Julia Computing.

JuliaAcademy: Julia Computing's training offerings continue to expand. JuliaAcademy is the Julia Computing training platform for 3 types of learning: self-directed, online instructor-led and in-person onsite training.

JuliaAcademy courses include: Intro to Julia, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Julia, Parallel Computing in Julia, Deep Learning with Flux, Optimization with JuMP and Machine Learning with Knet.

JuliaAcademy provides:

  1. Self-directed training - all online, learn at your own pace

  2. Instructor-led online training - live two-day courses taught by Julia Computing instructors

  3. In-person training - contact us at info@juliacomputing.com to schedule customized in-person training for your organization

Julia and Julia Computing in the News

  • JAXenter: Julia Takes a Page from Go, Adds Composable Multi-Threading Feature

  • PacktPub: Julia Announces the Preview of Multi-Threaded Task Parallelism in Alpha Release v1.3.0

  • PacktPub: Mozilla Is Funding a Project for Bringing Julia to Firefox and the General Browser Environment

  • Technical.ly: JuliaCon is the Stage for a Week of Programming Talks — and a New Baltimore Company

  • Synced: Julia Computing & MIT Introduce Differentiable Programming System Bridging AI and Science

  • Nature: Julia - Come for the Syntax, Stay for the Speed

  • Technology Partnerz: The Need for Speed 2019 - Comparing Simulation Performance for Crystal Ball, R, Julia and @Risk

  • New York Daily News: Poorly Constructed Math Equation Prompts Twitter Debate – Can You Solve It?

  • ZDNet: Mozilla Is Funding a Way to Support Julia in Firefox

  • Heise: Programmiersprachen: Mozilla Fördert Integration von Julia in den Browser

  • Techworld: Mozilla Firefox Får Stöd För Språket Julia

  • IT Magazine: Firefox Integriert Programmiersprache Julia

  • Nvidia: Spotting Clouds on the Horizon: AI Resolves Uncertainties in Climate Projections

  • PC World: Mozilla Chce Wprowadzić Język Julia Do Firefoxa

  • Developpez: Mozilla Finance un Portage de Julia en WebAssembly

  • CoderCTO: IT资讯 继 Python 解释器移植到 Firefox 后,Mozilla 现在想支持 Julia 和 R

  • Sclate: Programming Languages - Mozilla Promotes the Integration of Julia into the Browser

  • HPCWire: Pumas-AI Launches Pumas Software to Advance Drug Development, Patient Care

  • CNBeta: Mozilla 资助将 Julia 语言带到 Firefox 上

  • CNBeta: Julia Computing 和 MIT 引入可微编程系统 连接人工智能和科学计算

  • TechCentral: Julia vs Python: Which Is Best for Data Science?

  • InfoWorld: Julia vs Python: Which Is Best for Data Science?

  • TechRepublic: JavaScript Borrows Clean Code Feature from F# and Julia Programming Languages in New Babel Release

  • University of Maryland: Researchers' Company Launches Drug Development Software

  • Inside Big Data: Pumas-AI Launches Julia Language-Based Software to Advance Drug Development, Patient Care

  • Quartz: What R's Most Popular Tools Say About the State of Data Science

  • DevClass: Mozilla Research Grants

  • Express Computer: New Programming System Developed For AI Applications

  • CIO: 3 Cursos Online para Aprender a Linguagem de Programação Julia

  • CIO: Julia vs. Python: Qual é a Melhor para a Ciência de Dados?

  • HPCWire: Spotting Clouds on the Horizon - AI Resolves Uncertainties in Climate Projections

  • OmniSci: Announcing OmniSci.jl - A Julia Client for OmniSci

  • Mozilla: Mozilla's Latest Research Grants

  • Big Data Insider: Was Ist XGBoost?

  • Baltimore Business Journal: Faculty at University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Launch Software for Drug Development, Patient Care

Julia Blog Posts

Upcoming Julia Events

Recent Julia Events

Julia Meetup Groups: There are 36 Julia Meetup groups worldwide with 8,326 members. If there's a Julia Meetup group in your area, we hope you will consider joining, participating and helping to organize events. If there isn't, we hope you will consider starting one.

Julia Jobs, Fellowships and Internships

Do you work at or know of an organization looking to hire Julia programmers as staff, research fellows or interns? Would your employer be interested in hiring interns to work on open source packages that are useful to their business? Help us connect members of our community to great opportunities by sending us an email, and we'll get the word out.

There are more than 300 Julia jobs currently listed on Indeed.com, including jobs at Accenture, Airbus, Amazon, AstraZeneca, AT&T, Barnes & Noble, BlackRock, Capital One, CBRE, Charles River Analytics, Citigroup, Comcast, Conde Nast, Cooper Tire & Rubber, Disney, Dow Jones, Facebook, Gallup, Genentech, General Electric, Google, Huawei, Ipsos, Johnson & Johnson, KPMG, Lockheed Martin, Match, Mathematica, McKinsey, NBCUniversal, Netflix, Nielsen, Novartis, OKCupid, Opendoor, Oracle, Pandora, Peapod, Pfizer, Raytheon, Spectrum, Wells Fargo, Zillow, Brown, BYU, Caltech, Dartmouth, Emory, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Louisiana State University, Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT, Penn State, Princeton, UC Davis, University of Chicago, University of Delaware, University of Kentucky, UNC-Chapel Hill, USC, University of Virginia, Argonne National Laboratory, Federal Reserve Bank, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, State of Wisconsin and many more.

Contact Us: Please contact us if you wish to:

  • Purchase or obtain license information for Julia products such as JuliaAcademy, JuliaTeam, or JuliaPro

  • Obtain pricing for Julia consulting projects for your organization

  • Schedule Julia training for your organization

  • Share information about exciting new Julia case studies or use cases

  • Spread the word about an upcoming conference, workshop, training, hackathon, meetup, talk or presentation involving Julia

  • Partner with Julia Computing to organize a Julia meetup, conference, workshop, training, hackathon, talk or presentation involving Julia

  • Submit a Julia internship, fellowship or job posting

About Julia and Julia Computing

Julia is the fastest high performance open source computing language for data, analytics, algorithmic trading, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other scientific and numeric computing applications. Julia solves the two language problem by combining the ease of use of Python and R with the speed of C++. Julia provides parallel computing capabilities out of the box and unlimited scalability with minimal eff i8ort. Julia has been downloaded more than 9 million times and is used at more than 1,500 universities. Julia co-creators are the winners of the 2019 James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software. Julia has run at petascale on 650,000 cores with 1.3 million threads to analyze over 56 terabytes of data using Cori, one of the ten largest and most powerful supercomputers in the world.

Julia Computing was founded in 2015 by all the creators of Julia to develop products and provide professional services to businesses and researchers using Julia.