Newsletter February 2023 - JuliaCon Tickets Available!

By Andrew Claster | Feb 21, 2023

JuliaCon 2023: Tickets are now available for JuliaCon 2023! Click here to take advantage of discounted Early Bird pricing. JuliaCon will be held in person for the first time since 2019, and will be held at MIT for the first time since 2016. JuliaCon will take place July 25-29.

  1. Keynote Speakers: Dr. Stephen Wolfram, Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, Dr. Christopher Rackauckas, Dr. Tim Davis

  2. Sponsorship: Sponsorship is available at many levels, from $1,000 for an exhibition table to $45,000 for a Diamond sponsorship. Recent sponsors include: JuliaHub, RelationalAI, Julius Technologies, Intel, AWS, Invenia Labs, Beacon Biosignals, Metalenz, ASML, G-Research, Conning, Pumas-AI, QuEra Computing, Jeffrey Sarnoff and many more.

  3. Julia Community Prize: Is there someone who you would like to see recognized for their contributions to the Julia language and/or community? Nominations are open now. Please note that past winners are not eligible.

Free Webinars and Demos from JuliaHub: Please register today to participate in a free Webinar or demo from JuliaHub.

  1. JuliaHub Demo - Thursday February 23, 1:30-2:30 pm Eastern (US): Click here to register for this free JuliaHub demonstration, including access to more than 8,000 Julia packages, an integrated development environment, datasets, file management, Pluto notebooks, version control, access to CPU and GPU configurations, logs and monitoring solutions.

  2. JuliaHub 6.0 Features - Monday February 27, 10:30-11:30 am Eastern (US): Click here to register for this free Webinar. JuliaHub 6.0 includes a number of new features: better support for Pluto notebooks, a new interface for the JuliaHub Drive and a new interface to interact with JuliaHub DataSets (powered by DataSets.jl) that you can host on JuliaHub to enable collaboration and reproduction of your Julia pipelines.

  3. JuliaHub Demo - Wednesday March 8, 10:30-11:30 am Eastern (US): Click here to register for this free JuliaHub demonstration, including access to more than 8,000 Julia packages, an integrated development environment, datasets, file management, Pluto notebooks, version control, access to CPU and GPU configurations, logs and monitoring solutions.

  4. Improving JuliaHub Collaboration with JuliaHub Projects - Friday March 10, 1:30-2:30 pm Eastern (US): Click here to register for this free Webinar. JuliaHub Projects enables you and your team to collaborate seamlessly, including real-time constant synchronization, Git-based version control, unprecedented traceability features, group access controls and permissions, file sharing and file browsing.

  5. What's New in Julia 1.9 - Friday March 17, 12-1 pm Eastern (US): Click here to register for this free Webinar. Julia co-creator and JuliaHub co-founder and CTO Dr. Jeff Bezanson will provide an informative walkthrough of the features coming in the Julia 1.9 release. Now in late beta, Julia 1.9 fixes the longstanding TTFX, or Time to First Execution issue (often called Time to First Plot). Package precompilation now saves native code into a "package image", accelerating the first plot operation to a fraction of a second. There are several other improvements to threading, packages, and compilation, with an exhaustive list in the Julia 1.9 release notes.

  6. JuliaHub Demo - Wednesday March 22, 12-1 pm Eastern (US): Click here to register for this free JuliaHub demonstration, including access to more than 8,000 Julia packages, an integrated development environment, datasets, file management, Pluto notebooks, version control, access to CPU and GPU configurations, logs and monitoring solutions.

  7. Modern Industrial Modeling Made Easy - Wednesday April 5, 10:30-11:30 am Eastern (US): Click here to register for this free Webinar to learn how to modernize your industrial modeling workflow. Topics include: JuliaSim package suite, JuliaHub job outputs for monitoring and results, integrating JuliaHub DataSets to capture and version simulation runs, JuliaHub Pluto notebooks for sharing analysis and JuliaHub private registries for sharing packages.

2023 Julia User & Developer Survey: The 2023 Julia User & Developer Survey questionnaire is being updated, and you are invited to offer comments on the draft survey now. The results will be presented at JuliaCon. Click here to provide comments.

11 Years of Julia: February 14 (Valentine’s Day) marked the 11th anniversary of the publication of Why We Created Julia, the blog post that introduced Julia to the world, sometimes called ‘a love letter’ to the scientific and numerical computing community. We marked the occasion with a new video from JuliaHub co-founders Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral Shah, Alan Edelman (Julia co-creators and Why We Created Julia co-authors) and Keno Fischer. Click here to watch the video.

oneAPI.jl 1.0: oneAPI.jl 1.0 integrates the oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) to accelerate linear algebra operations on Intel GPUs. It also brings support for Julia 1.9 and Intel Arc GPUs. Click here for more information.

Julia for Skyrmions: Trapping and Manipulating Skyrmions in Two-Dimensional Films by Surface Acoustic Waves is a new article in Nature - Scientific Reports using DifferentialEquations.jl. Click here for more.

Tidier.jl: “Tidier.jl is a 100% Julia implementation of the R tidyverse mini-language in Julia. Powered by the DataFrames.jl package and Julia’s extensive meta-programming capabilities, Tidier.jl is an R user’s love letter to data analysis in Julia.” Click here for more.

CUDA.jl 4.0: “CUDA.jl 4.0 is a breaking release that introduces the use of JLLs to provide the CUDA toolkit. This makes it possible to compile other binary libraries against the CUDA runtime, and use them together with CUDA.jl. The release also brings CUSPARSE improvements, the ability to limit memory use, and many bug fixes and performance improvements.” Click here for more information.

Julia for Pharmacology: Stably Accelerating Stiff Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Models: Continuous-Time Echo State Networks as Implicit Machine Learning is a new paper using “neural network surrogates of stiff QsP models, which reduces and accelerates QsP models by training ML approximations on simulations.” More information is available here.

Julia for Retinal Waves: Modeling Cholinergic Retinal Waves: Starburst Amacrine Cells Shape Wave Generation, Propagation, and Direction Bias is a new paper in Nature - Scientific Reports. “The code was compiled and run in the high-level numeric computing language Julia. The package DifferentialEquations.jl was used to build all the ordinary differential equations. Simulations were run using a stability optimized stochastic integration algorithm (SOSRI)45. The models were simulated for 300 s (5 min) using adaptive time-stepping methods. During a dense simulation (throughout which every timestep was saved), trajectories generated 244,000 data points per 300,000 timesteps and had an average timestep of 1.2 ms (equivalent to 1.2 kHz). For both isolated single trace analysis and lattice simulations, the saving interval was set to 1 ms, (equivalent to 1 kHz acquisition) … All analysis was done in custom compiled code written in Julia language. All functions can be found in the module wave_analysis.jl.” Click here for more.

Converting from Proprietary Software to Julia: Are you looking to leverage Julia’s superior speed and ease of use, but limited due to legacy software and code? JuliaHub and our partners can help accelerate replacing your existing proprietary applications, improve performance, reduce development time, augment or replace existing systems and provide an extended trusted team to deliver Julia solutions. Leverage experienced resources from JuliaHub and our partners to get your team up and running quickly. For more information, please contact us.

Careers at JuliaHub: JuliaHub is a fast-growing tech company with fully remote employees in 12 countries on 5 continents. Click here to learn more about exciting careers and internships with JuliaHub.

Julia and JuliaHub in the News

  • University of Athens: Παρουσίαση βιβλίου της Καθηγήτριας του ΕΚΠΑ Μαριλένας Μητρούλη

  • Business Wire: Simulations Plus Releases Redesigned NAFLDsym® QSP Software Tool

  • CIOReview: The Role of AI in HPC

  • Analytics Insight: Top 10 Data Science Programming Languages You Should Know in 2023

  • Analytics Insight: Top 10 New Programming Languages to Make a Coder’s Heart Sing in 2023

  • Analytics Insight: Top 10 Programming Languages for AI Development in 2023

  • Analytics Insight: Top 10 Popular AI Software Tools for Enterprises in 2023 and Beyond

  • Analytics Insight: Top 10 Data Science Cheat Sheets You Should Know in 2023

  • Analytics Insight: Top 10 AI Tools That Would Gain Hype by The Year 2025

  • Nature - Scientific Reports: Trapping and Manipulating Skyrmions in Two-Dimensional Films by Surface Acoustic Waves

  • Nature - Scientific Reports: Modeling Cholinergic Retinal Waves: Starburst Amacrine Cells Shape Wave Generation, Propagation, and Direction Bias

  • Make Use Of: 7 Programming Languages That Could Leave You Jobless

  • InsideHPC: Exascale Computing Project’s Birds-of-a-Feather Days: Feb. 14-16

  • CSDN: 2012 年 2 月 14 日:编程语言 Julia 公开发布

  • HackerNoon: The Real C++ Killers (Not You, Rust)

Julia Blog Posts

Upcoming Julia and JuliaHub Events

Recent Julia and JuliaHub Events

Contact Us: Please contact us if you want to:

  • Learn more about JuliaHub, JuliaSim, Pumas, PumasQSP or CedarEDA

  • Obtain pricing for Julia consulting projects for your organization

  • Schedule online Julia training for your organization

  • Share information about exciting new Julia case studies or use cases

  • Spread the word about an upcoming online event involving Julia

  • Partner with JuliaHub to organize a Julia event online

  • Submit a Julia internship, fellowship or job posting

About JuliaHub and Julia

JuliaHub is a fast and easy-to-use code-to-cloud platform that accelerates the development and deployment of Julia programs. JuliaHub users include some of the most innovative companies in a range of industries including pharmaceuticals, automotive, energy, manufacturing, and semiconductor design and manufacture.

Julia is a high performance open source programming language that powers computationally demanding applications in modeling and simulation, drug development, design of multi-physical systems, electronic design automation, big data analytics, scientific machine learning and artificial intelligence. Julia solves the two language problem by combining the ease of use of Python and R with the speed of C++. Julia provides parallel computing capabilities out of the box and unlimited scalability with minimal effort. Julia has been downloaded by users at more than 10,000 companies and is used at more than 1,500 universities. Julia co-creators are the winners of the prestigious James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the Sidney Fernbach Award.

Webinar: Modern Industrial Modeling Made Easy

Join us to learn how to modernize your industrial modeling workflow on April 5th.

Register Now


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