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Newsletter February 2024 - Next Gen Battery Simulation with JuliaSim

Written by JuliaHub | Feb 08, 2024

Next Gen Battery Simulation with JuliaSim: Dr. Marc Berliner (JuliaSim Batteries Lead Developer) and Dr. Chris Rackauckas (JuliaHub VP Modeling and Simulation) are leading a free Webinar Thursday February 22 on Next Gen Battery Simulation: Solving 1,000 Cell Electrochemical Battery Packs with JuliaSim. This Webinar is free but registration is required.

Functional Mockup Unit and Genie Builder Webinars: Other free February Webinars sponsored by JuliaHub include Ingesting and Deploying Functional Mockup Units in JuliaSim with Dr. Ranjan Anantharaman (JuliaHub Sales Engineer) and Build Data-Centric Web Applications in Julia with Genie Builder with Dr. Pere Giménez (Genie Data Scientist and Developer Advocate) and Adrian Salceanu (Genie Co-Founder and Genie Framework Creator). These Webinars are free but registration is required.



Date and Time


Ingesting and Deploying Functional Mockup Units in JuliaSim

Dr. Ranjan Anantharaman, JuliaHub Sales Engineer

Thursday February 15

1-2 pm Eastern (US)


Next Gen Battery Simulation: Solving 1,000 Cell Electrochemical Battery Packs with JuliaSim

Dr. Marc Berliner, JuliaSim Batteries Lead Developer and Dr. Chris Rackauckas, JuliaHub VP Modeling and Simulation

Thursday February 22 1-2 pm Eastern (US)


Build Data-Centric Web Applications in Julia with Genie Builder

Dr. Pere Giménez, Genie Data Scientist and Developer Advocate and Adrian Salceanu, Genie Co-Founder and Genie Framework Creator

Thursday February 29 10-11 am Eastern (US)


Comparative Analysis of Cell Chemistries with JuliaSim Batteries

Dr. Marc Berliner, JuliaSim Batteries Lead Developer

Tuesday March 5  1-2 pm Eastern (US)



Preparing for Manufacturing Defects with JuliaSim Batteries

Dr. Marc Berliner, JuliaSim Batteries Lead Developer and Dr. Ranjan Anantharaman, JuliaHub Sales Engineer

Tuesday March 19  1-2 pm Eastern (US)


Julia Growth Statistics: Julia use and awareness continue to grow rapidly.


Total Through Jan 2016

Total Through Jan 2024


Cumulative GitHub Stars - Julia + Julia Packages




Number of Registered Julia Packages




Published Citations of Julia: A Fast Dynamic Language for Technical Computing (2012), Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing (2017) and Julia: Dynamism and Performance Reconciled by Design (2018)




Number of News Articles Mentioning Julia, JuliaHub or Julia Computing




Discourse Views

329,918 (Jan 2017)



Julia Language YouTube Channel Minutes Watched





JuliaCon 2024: JuliaCon 2024 takes place from July 9-13 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Workshops will take place Tuesday July 9, presentations Wednesday July 10 through Friday July 12 and the hackathon will be Saturday July 13.

Julia 1.10 Released: Julia 1.10 contains a number of new and improved features including:

  • New parser written in Julia
  • Package load time improvements
  • Improvements in stacktrace rendering
  • Parallel garbage collection
  • Tracy and Intel VTune ITTAPI profiling integration
  • Upgrade to LLVM 15
  • Linux AArch64 stability improvements
  • Parallel native code generation for system images and package images
  • Avoiding races during parallel precompilation
  • Parallel precompile on using

More information is available in Julia 1.10 Highlights.

Why Julia? Do you have a colleague who wants to know what makes Julia different, better and more exciting? Why Julia? is a new white paper from JuliaHub that can help answer these questions. Click here to read it.

Build a Data-Rich Dashboard App on JuliaHub: JuliaHub’s Michael Bologna published a new blog post describing how to Build a Data-Rich Dashboard App on JuliaHub. Click here to learn more.

JuliaHub CEO and Co-Founder Dr. Viral Shah with Forbes India: Forbes India’s Harichandan Arikali interviewed JuliaHub CEO and co-founder Dr. Viral Shah for the Startup Fridays podcast. Click to watch Viral Shah on the Journey of Julia Programming Language to Tackle the 'Two Language Problem' or listen to Viral Shah on the Mission at JuliaHub to Help Scientists and Engineers Innovate Faster.

Julia Monthly Newsletter: Professor Stefan Krastanov (University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Information and Computer Science) publishes a monthly Julia newsletter. Click here to read it.

MIT News - Julia for Partial Differential Equations: Technique Could Efficiently Solve Partial Differential Equations for Numerous Applications is a new article from MIT News featuring Dr. Chris Rackauckas (JuliaHub VP of Modeling and Simulation) and collaborators about the use of Julia to solve partial differential equations. Click here for more.

Julia for Offshore Wind: Researchers at SINTEF Energy (Norway), including Dr. Avinash Subramanian (JuliaHub Control Engineer) published Hydrogen for Harvesting the Potential of Offshore Wind: A North Sea Case Study, using Julia to analyze the use of hydrogen to harvest offshore wind energy. Click here to read.

Julia for Earth Observation: The second annual Global Workshop on Earth Observation with Julia was held in the Azores January 8-12. João Pinelo, Director of Data Science, Computing and Software Development at the AIR Centre noted that in-person participation was at capacity (44 people) with around 200 total participants, including online. JuliaHub VP of Modeling and Simulation Dr. Chris Rackauckas presented, among others. More information is available from the AIR Centre and from Açores 9.

Julia for Visualizing Molecules: Visualization of Molecules at Surfaces is a new blog post from Alex Riss describing how to use Julia to improve visualizations of molecules. Click here for more.

Julia for Perfume: Advancing Odor Classification Models Enhanced by Scientific Machine Learning and Mechanistic Model: Probabilistic Weight Assignment for Odor Intensity Prediction and Uncertainty Analysis for Robust Fragrance Classification is a new paper published in ChemRxiv using Julia for odor classification. Click here to read.

Julia for Actuaries: An Actuary’s Guide to Julia: Use Cases and Performance Benchmarking in Insurance is a new white paper from Milliman. Click here to read.

Julia for Quantum Computing: Solving Differential-Algebraic Equations in Power Systems Dynamics with Quantum Computing is a new paper using Julia for power system dynamics. Click here to read.

Julia for Climate Change: The Social Costs of Hydrofluorocarbons and the Benefits from their Expedited Phase-Down is a new paper published in Nature Climate Change using Julia to analyze climate change. Click here to read.

Julia for Antimicrobial Resistance Analysis in Wastewater: Host-Plasmid Network Structure in Wastewater Is Linked to Antimicrobial Resistance Genes is a new paper in Nature Communications. Click here to read.

Free Julia JuMP Optimization Course in Portuguese: Fundação Getulio Vargas provided a free summer Julia course in person and online using JuMP for optimization from Jan 3 - Jan 15. The instructor is Bernardo Freitas Paulo da Costa and the course title is  Métodos Computacionais para Otimização em Julia.

JuliaHub Consulting Services: Would your organization benefit from a 100x increase in simulation speeds? JuliaSim might be the solution you need. Click here for more information about JuliaSim, and to contact us to learn how JuliaSim can help your business succeed.

Free Compute on JuliaHub (20 hours): In addition to the features JuliaHub has always offered for free – Julia ecosystem search, package registration tools, a dedicated package server – the platform now also gives every user 20 hours of free compute. This allows people to seamlessly share Pluto notebooks and IDE projects with others and let them get their feet wet with computing without having to open up their wallets. Click here to get started or check out Deep Datta’s introductory video, “JuliaHub Is a Free Platform to Start Your Technical Computing Journey”, where he explains how and why to start using JuliaHub for cloud computing.

Converting from Proprietary Software to Julia: Are you looking to leverage Julia’s superior speed and ease of use, but limited due to legacy software and code? JuliaHub and our partners can help accelerate replacing your existing proprietary applications, improve performance, reduce development time, augment or replace existing systems and provide an extended trusted team to deliver Julia solutions. Leverage experienced resources from JuliaHub and our partners to get your team up and running quickly. For more information, please contact us.

Julia and JuliaHub in the News

  • Analytics India: Julia’s Rise in Scientific Computing
  • Analytics Insight: Essential Programming Languages for Machine Learning
  • Analytics Insight: 8 Programming Languages to Enhance a Data Analyst Resume
  • Forbes India: Viral Shah on the Journey of Julia Programming Language to Tackle the 'Two Language Problem'
  • Forbes India: Viral Shah on the Mission at JuliaHub to Help Scientists and Engineers Innovate Faster
  • PumasAI: PumasAI Maintains Strong Growth Trajectory with New Product Engineering and Pharmacometrics Hires from JuliaHub and Pfizer
  • MIT News: Technique Could Efficiently Solve Partial Differential Equations for Numerous Applications
  • I Programmer: Julia 1.10 Updates Parser
  • Science Direct: Hydrogen for Harvesting the Potential of Offshore Wind: A North Sea Case Study
  • ChemRxiv: Advancing Odor Classification Models Enhanced by Scientific Machine Learning and Mechanistic Model: Probabilistic Weight Assignment for Odor Intensity Prediction and Uncertainty Analysis for Robust Fragrance Classification
  • Arxiv: Solving Differential-Algebraic Equations in Power Systems Dynamics with Quantum Computing
  • Analytics Insight: New Programming Languages in AI to Learn in 2024
  • Nature Climate Change: The Social Costs of Hydrofluorocarbons and the Benefits from their Expedited Phase-Down
  • Nature Communications: Host-Plasmid Network Structure in Wastewater Is Linked to Antimicrobial Resistance Genes
  • XDA Developers: How to Use Jupyter Notebook on Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Market Scoop: Data Science Platform Statistics: A New Learning Tech
  • Milliman: An Actuary’s Guide to Julia: Use Cases and Performance Benchmarking in Insurance
  • AI Business: Top 10 Stories of the Year: It's All About Generative AI
  • Programmation: Programming Language Benchmark v2 (plb2) Évalue les Performances de 20 Langages de Programmation sur Quatre Tâches Gourmandes en CPU
  • FGV: FGV EMAp Offers Summer Program with Free Courses
  • Açores 9: Cientistas de Harvard e MIT nos Açores num Encontro Sobre Linguagem de Programação Julia
  • BioSpace: PumasAI Maintains Strong Growth Trajectory with New Product Engineering and Pharmacometrics Hires from JuliaHub and Pfizer
  • Quantum Insider: QuEra and Pawsey Partner to Drive Innovation in Quantum Computing and Supercomputing
  • Analytics Insight: Top Programming Languages for Data Scientists in 2024
  • Unite.AI: What is the Best Language for Machine Learning? (January 2024)
  • Tech Target: 18 Data Science Tools to Consider Using in 2024

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  • Learn more about JuliaHub, JuliaSim, Pumas, PumasQSP or CedarEDA
  • Obtain pricing for Julia consulting projects for your organization
  • Schedule Julia training for your organization
  • Share information about exciting new Julia case studies or use cases
  • Spread the word about an upcoming online or offline event involving Julia
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  • Submit a Julia internship, fellowship or job posting

About JuliaHub and Julia

JuliaHub is a fast and easy-to-use code-to-cloud platform that accelerates the development and deployment of Julia programs. JuliaHub users include some of the most innovative companies in a range of industries including pharmaceuticals, automotive, energy, manufacturing, and semiconductor design and manufacture.

Julia is a high performance open source programming language that powers computationally demanding applications in modeling and simulation, drug development, design of multi-physical systems, electronic design automation, big data analytics, scientific machine learning and artificial intelligence. Julia solves the two language problem by combining the ease of use of Python and R with the speed of C++. Julia provides parallel computing capabilities out of the box and unlimited scalability with minimal effort. Julia has been downloaded by users at more than 10,000 companies and is used at more than 1,500 universities. Julia co-creators are the winners of the prestigious James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the Sidney Fernbach Award.