Newsletter January 2019 - Julia Co-Creators Win Wilkinson Prize

By JuliaHub | Jan 04, 2019

Julia Co-Creators Win Wilkinson Prize: Julia co-creators Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski and Viral Shah are the winners of the prestigious James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software. This prize is awarded every four years to recognize innovative software in scientific computing. The award will be presented at the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19) in Spokane, WA Feb 25-Mar 1, 2019.

Julia Growth Metrics

  Cumulative Total as of Jan 2018 Cumulative Total as of Jan 2019 Growth
Number of Julia Downloads Initiated via JuliaLang 1.8 million 3.2 million +78%
Number of Julia Downloads Initiated via DockerHub Not Available 4 million Not Available
Julia Packages Available 1,688 2,462 +46%
Number of News Articles Mentioning Julia 93 253 +172%
Julia Discourse Threads + Stack Overflow Questions 8,620 16,363 +90%
GitHub Stars for Julia Language (Not Including Julia Packages) 9,626 19,472 +102%
Published Citations of Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing (2017) and Julia: A Fast Dynamic Language for Technical Computing (2012) 613 1,048 +71%

Note: Julia can also call C, C++, Fortran, Python, R, Java and MPI libraries

Julia GitHub Stars: Julia GitHub stars have nearly doubled since the Aug 2018 release of Julia 1.0 and Julia is one of the top 10 languages on GitHub measured by stars and forks.

JuliaTeam: JuliaTeam is an enterprise solution that makes it as easy to use and develop Julia packages inside your company as it is in the open source world. The current release of JuliaTeam integrates with your corporate authentication systems and eliminates the headaches of installing and using public Julia packages behind a corporate firewall. JuliaTeam also gives IT and management insight and control over what packages developers are using, helping ensure quality and security.

Upcoming JuliaTeam releases will include these features as well:

  • Read and search docs for all internal and external packages in a single place

  • Create and manage private package registries

  • Publish and test private packages as easily as public ones, making sure new versions work seamlessly with all the other versions of packages that your teams are using

  • Benchmark your code to make sure it runs as efficiently as possible and stays fast

  • Download a summary of licenses of all the software you depend on

JuliaTeam makes Julia development at your company as easy, effective and fun as open source.

For more information, contact us.

Julia Training: Julia Computing offers online and offline training including Introduction to Julia, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Parallel Computing in Julia and customized courses at every level. Registration and course descriptions are available here. Live instructor-led online courses include:

New Julia Textbook: Introduction to Linear Applied Algebra - Vectors, Matrices and Least Squares by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe uses Julia as the language of instruction and includes a Julia language companion. This is the textbook for EE103 (Stanford University) and EE133A (UCLA). Other Julia textbooks, tutorials and teaching resources are available at JuliaLang.org/Learning.

Julia for Space Mission Planning: Julia Language Ephemeris and Physical Constants Reader for Solar System Bodies was published by Professor Kaela M. Martin (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), undergraduates Julia Mihaylov and Renee Spear (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) and Damon Landau (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology (Caltech)). This research “will help interplanetary space mission designers more easily locate the relative positions of planets, moons and small bodies in the solar system at specific times in order to calculate optimum spacecraft trajectories.”

Julia for School Bus Optimization: The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) has selected MIT Sloan Professor Dimitris Bertsimas, Arthur Delarue and Sebastien Martin as Franz Edelman award finalists for their use of Julia and JuMP.jl to make Boston Public Schools bus routes 20% more efficient and save $5 million per year which is being reinvested in schools.

JuMP-dev Annual Workshop: The third annual JuMP-dev workshop takes place March 12-14 in Santiago, Chile. Registration is free and talk proposal submissions are encouraged.

Julia and Julia Computing in the News

  • Julia Language Co-Creators Win James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software

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Julia Jobs, Fellowships and Internships

Do you work at or know of an organization looking to hire Julia programmers as staff, research fellows or interns? Would your employer be interested in hiring interns to work on open source packages that are useful to their business? Help us connect members of our community to great opportunities by sending us an email, and we'll get the word out.

There are more than 300 Julia jobs currently listed on Indeed.com, including jobs at Accenture, Airbus, Amazon, AstraZeneca, Barnes & Noble, BlackRock, Capital One, Charles River Analytics, Citigroup, Comcast, Cooper Tire & Rubber, Disney, Facebook, Gallup, Genentech, General Electric, Google, Huawei, Johnson & Johnson, Match, McKinsey, NBCUniversal, Nielsen, OKCupid, Oracle, Pandora, Peapod, Pfizer, Raytheon, Zillow, Brown, Emory, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital, Penn State, UC Davis, University of Chicago, University of Virginia, Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, State of Wisconsin and many more.

Contact Us: Please contact us if you wish to:

  • Purchase or obtain license information for Julia products such as JuliaTeam, JuliaPro or JuliaBox

  • Obtain pricing for Julia consulting projects for your organization

  • Schedule Julia training for your organization

  • Share information about exciting new Julia case studies or use cases

  • Spread the word about an upcoming conference, workshop, training, hackathon, meetup, talk or presentation involving Julia

  • Partner with Julia Computing to organize a Julia meetup, conference, workshop, training, hackathon, talk or presentation involving Julia

  • Submit a Julia internship, fellowship or job posting

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