JuliaHub Blog: Insights & Updates

Newsletter July 2018 - Julia Computing Newsletter

Written by JuliaHub | Jul 05, 2018

Julia Computing announces new live online instructor-led training courses including Intro to Julia and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Julia. JuliaCon 2018 comes to University College London Aug 7-11.:

  1. Julia Training - Intro to Julia, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  2. JuliaCon 2018 at University College London Aug 7-11

  3. Julia Community Prizes - Nomination Deadline July 13

  4. Advances in Engineering Software - Julia Special Issue

  5. Julia and Julia Computing in the Media

  6. Recent Julia Videos

  7. Recent Julia Blog Posts

  8. Upcoming and Recent Julia Events and Meetup Groups

  9. Julia Jobs, Fellowships and Internships

  10. Contact Us, About Julia and Julia Computing

  1. Julia Training - Intro to Julia, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

a. Live Online Instructor-Led Julia Training: Click here to register for Julia Computing’s live instructor-led online training. Each 8-hour course is 4 hours per day (8 am-noon US Eastern) conducted over two days by Julia Computing staff. The July 18-19 course is available at an introductory discounted price of $150, and is taught by Alan Edelman, Chief Scientist at Julia Computing and MIT Professor of Applied Mathematics.

-Intro to Julia: Register now for live online instruction on Jul 18-19, Aug 13-14, Sep 17-18 or Nov 5-6

-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Julia: Register now for live online instruction on Aug 30-31, Sep 24-25 or Nov 12-13

b. Customized Julia Training from Julia Computing: Julia Computing provides custom in-person and online training for you and your organization including courses such as Intro to Julia, Intermediate and Advanced Julia, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Julia, Optimization in Julia and more. Please contact us for pricing, scheduling or more information.

  1. JuliaCon 2018 at University College London Aug 7-11:

We look forward to meeting everyone at JuliaCon Aug 7-11 at University College London. JuliaCon has a record number of sponsors this year, including Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Microsoft, Maven, Invenia, Julia Computing, Capital One, Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, Gambit Research, Tangent Works, Amazon, Alan Turing Institute, Jeffrey Sarnoff, EVN and Conning. Keynote speakers this year include Nick Higam (University of Manchester), Sophie Wilson (Broadcom, co-developer of the ARM processor), Tim Thornham (Aviva) and Gilbert Strang (MIT).

  1. Julia Community Prizes - Nomination Deadline July 13:

The Julia community will award three Julia Community Prizes for outstanding contributions to the Julia ecosystem. Nominations must be submitted by July 13. Winners will be announced at JuliaCon 2018. Winners will be awarded USD $1,000 and will receive a certificate. More information is available here.

  1. Advances in Engineering Software - Julia Special Issue:

Advances in Engineering Software is producing a Julia special issue, now open for submission. The submission deadline is October 15, 2018.

  1. Julia and Julia Computing in the Media:

  1. Recent Julia Videos:

  1. Recent Julia Blog Posts:

  1. Upcoming and Recent Julia Events and Meetup Groups

a. Upcoming Julia Events:

b. Recent Julia Events

c. Julia Meetup Groups:

There are 34 Julia Meetup groups worldwide with more than 6.8 thousand members. If there’s a Julia Meetup group in your area, we hope you will consider joining, participating and helping to organize events. If there isn’t, we hope you will consider starting one.

  1. Julia Jobs and Internships

Do you work at or know of an institution looking to hire Julia programmers as staff, research fellows or interns? Would your employer be interested in hiring interns to work on open source packages that are useful to their business? Help us connect members of our community to great opportunities by sending us an email, and we'll get the word out!

There are more than 200 Julia jobs currently listed on Indeed.com, including jobs at Google, Facebook, IBM, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Booz Allen Hamilton, Comcast, Zulily, National Renewable Energy Research Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Brown, Princeton, Columbia, Notre Dame, MIT, University of Chicago and many more.

  1. Contact Us

Please contact us if you wish to:

  • Purchase or obtain license information for Julia products such as JuliaPro, JuliaPro Enterprise, JuliaRun, JuliaDB, JuliaFin or JuliaBox

  • Obtain pricing for Julia consulting projects for your organization

  • Schedule Julia training for your organization

  • Share information about exciting new Julia case studies or use cases

  • Spread the word about an upcoming conference, workshop, training, hackathon, meetup, talk or presentation involving Julia

  • Partner with Julia Computing to organize a Julia meetup, conference, workshop, training, hackathon, talk or presentation involving Julia

  • Submit a Julia internship or job posting

About Julia and Julia Computing

Julia is the fastest high performance open source computing language for data, analytics, algorithmic trading, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and many other domains. Julia solves the two language problem by combining the ease of use of Python and R with the speed of C++. Julia provides parallel computing capabilities out of the box and unlimited scalability with minimal effort. For example, Julia has run at petascale on 650,000 cores with 1.3 million threads to analyze over 56 terabytes of data using Cori, the world’s sixth-largest supercomputer. With more than 1.8 million downloads and +101% annual growth, Julia is one of the top programming languages developed on GitHub. Julia adoption is growing rapidly in finance, insurance, machine learning, energy, robotics, genomics, aerospace, medicine and many other fields.

Julia Computing was founded in 2015 by all the creators of Julia to develop products and provide professional services to businesses and researchers using Julia. Julia Computing offers the following products:

  • JuliaPro for data science professionals and researchers to install and run Julia with more than one hundred carefully curated popular Julia packages on a laptop or desktop computer.

  • JuliaRun for deploying Julia at scale on dozens, hundreds or thousands of nodes in the public or private cloud, including AWS and Microsoft Azure.

  • JuliaFin for financial modeling, algorithmic trading and risk analysis including Bloomberg and Excel integration, Miletus for designing and executing trading strategies and advanced time-series analytics.

  • JuliaDB for in-database in-memory analytics and advanced time-series analysis.

  • JuliaBox for students or new Julia users to experience Julia in a Jupyter notebook right from a Web browser with no download or installation required.

To learn more about how Julia users deploy these products to solve problems using Julia, please visit the Case Studies section on the Julia Computing Website.

Julia users, partners and employers hiring Julia programmers in 2018 include Amazon, Apple, BlackRock, Booz Allen Hamilton, Capital One, Comcast, Disney, Ernst & Young, Facebook, Ford, Google, IBM, Intel, KPMG, Microsoft, NASA, Oracle, PwC, Uber, and many more.