JuliaHub Blog: Insights & Updates

Register for JuliaCon July 29-31 | JuliaHub

Written by JuliaHub | Jul 17, 2020

Register Now for JuliaCon 2020: JuliaCon 2020 will take place online Wednesday July 29 through Friday July 31 from 12:30 pm - 7:30 pm GMT. Workshops are Friday July 24 through Tuesday July 28. The schedule of events is available now. Click here to reserve your spot

Julia Computing Virtual Booth Available During JuliaCon: Julia Computing’s virtual booth will be available during JuliaCon. Visit JuliaCon.org during JuliaCon to find Julia Computing’s virtual booth. Connect with a Julia Computing expert to learn more about how to leverage Julia’s speed, power and ease of use to improve productivity, reduce cost and speed time to market.


JuliaTeam and JuliaRun Live Demonstrations During JuliaCon: Julia Computing will demonstrate exciting new JuliaTeam and JuliaRun product features including VS Code integration, running Julia in your browser, single-click parallel computing in the cloud and more. Live online demonstrations are Wednesday July 29 (5:45 pm - 6:45 pm GMT), Thursday July 30 (11:30 am - 12:30 PM GMT) and Friday July 31 (7:45 pm - 8:45 pm GMT). Click here to register.

Feel the Power! Julia for Energy Webinar from Julia Computing: Dr. Matt Bauman, Julia Computing Senior Research Scientist, leads a free Julia for Energy Webinar on Thursday July 16 from 12 noon - 1 pm Eastern (US). Space is limited so please click here to register. Julia users in the energy sector include AOT, EVN, Fugro Roames, Invenia, LAMPS PUC-RIO, PSR and the US Department of Energy. Register today to reserve your spot and learn more about how Julia can help make optimization, energy trading and modeling more efficient, faster, simpler and less expensive.

Julia Computing Enterprise Products

  • JuliaSure: JuliaSure from Julia Computing provides full service development support, production support and indemnification for companies using Julia. Subscriptions are USD $99 per month. Click here to subscribe.

  • JuliaTeam: JuliaTeam from Julia Computing lets your entire enterprise work together using Julia. Collaborate, develop and manage private and public packages across your organization, manage open source licenses and benefit from continuous integration, deployment, security, indemnity and enterprise governance. Click here for more information.

  • JuliaRun: JuliaRun from Julia Computing helps you scale and deploy Julia using high performance computing (HPC) resources, including large parallel simulations and analyses in the cloud: AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud. Click here for more information.

  • Pumas: Pumas from Julia Computing is a comprehensive platform for pharmaceutical modeling and simulation, providing a single tool for the entire drug development pipeline. Click here for more information.

The Great ML Language (Un)Debate: Dr. Huda Nassar represented Julia in the Great ML Language (Un)Debate to discuss the benefits of Julia compared with alternatives such as R, Python, Javascript and Swift. The Great ML Language (Un)Debate is available on YouTube.



Julia for Pythonistas Colab Notebook: Aurélien Geron published the Julia for Pythonistas Colab Notebook. As Aurélien explains, “Julia looks and feels a lot like Python, only much faster. It's dynamic, expressive, extensible, with batteries included, in particular for data science.”

Julia Chinese Community 2020 Summer Conference (Julia中文社区2020年夏季会议): The Julia community in China will hold a summer conference, tentatively scheduled for August 18-24. More information is available here.


Julia Reads CSVs 10-20x Faster than Python and R: New benchmarks are available demonstrating that Julia reads CSV files 10-20x faster than Python and R. Click here for more information.

MIT JuliaLab and Microsoft Tackle Pandemic Modeling: MIT JuliaLab’s Chris Rackauckas teamed with researchers from Microsoft, University of Oxford, Swansea University, University of Cambridge, University of Warwick, Alan Turing Institute and Royal Society Rapid Assistance in Modeling the Pandemic (RAMP) to build an open platform for pandemic modeling in Julia. More information is available here.


Julia and Spark, Better Together: Julia Computing’s Avik Sengupta published an updated blog titled Julia and Spark, Better Together which describes how Spark.jl enables the use of Julia programs on Spark.

Argonne National Laboratory: Julia Computing’s Mike Innes presented Building Compilers for Numerical Programming online to the US Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory.

Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling: Julia Computing Chief Scientist Alan Edelman presented High Performance Computing: The Power of Language via the University of Warsaw Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling’s Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science as part of Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020.

Julia for Climate Modeling: The Climate Modeling Alliance has published CliMA 0.1: A First Milestone in the Next Generation of Climate Models by Sabrina Pirzada which describes how they are using Julia to build better climate models.

Julia and Julia Computing in the News

  • ZDNet: Programming Languages: Julia Touts its Speed Edge Over Python and R

  • CScience: Comment Hydro-Québec Prévoit vos Besoins en Électricité

  • Towards Data Science: The Great CSV Showdown: Julia vs Python vs R

  • CSDN: 再见 Python,Hello Julia!

  • Analytics India: Google Adds New Privacy Testing Module In TensorFlow

  • Analytics India: Why Companies Still Struggle To Incorporate AI Into Existing Business Models

  • EFinancialCareers: Emergent Coding Languages to Learn for Technology Jobs in Finance

  • IProgrammer: SQLite Gets Jupyter Kernel

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Julia Jobs, Fellowships and Internships

Do you work at or know of an organization looking to hire Julia programmers as staff, research fellows or interns? Would your employer be interested in hiring interns to work on open source packages that are useful to their business? Help us connect members of our community to great opportunities by sending us an email, and we'll get the word out.

There are hundreds of Julia jobs currently listed on Indeed.com. Click here to apply.

Contact Us: Please contact us if you wish to:

  • Purchase or obtain license information for Julia Computing products such as JuliaSure, JuliaTeam, JuliaRun or Pumas

  • Obtain pricing for Julia consulting projects for your organization

  • Schedule online Julia training for your organization

  • Share information about exciting new Julia case studies or use cases

  • Spread the word about an upcoming online event involving Julia

  • Partner with Julia Computing to organize a Julia event online

  • Submit a Julia internship, fellowship or job posting

About Julia and Julia Computing

Julia is the fastest high performance open source computing language for data, analytics, algorithmic trading, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other scientific and numeric computing applications. Julia solves the two language problem by combining the ease of use of Python and R with the speed of C++. Julia provides parallel computing capabilities out of the box and unlimited scalability with minimal effort. Julia has been downloaded more than 17 million times and is used at more than 1,500 universities. Julia co-creators are the winners of the 2019 James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the 2019 Sidney Fernbach Award. Julia has run at petascale on 650,000 cores with 1.3 million threads to analyze over 56 terabytes of data using Cori, one of the ten largest and most powerful supercomputers in the world.

Julia Computing was founded in 2015 by all the creators of Julia to develop products and provide professional services to businesses and researchers using Julia.