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Rhisco Group Partners with Julia Computing

Written by JuliaHub | May 02, 2017

Rhisco Group and Julia Computing are delighted to announce a new partnership to collaborate in providing solutions in the regulatory risk and capital space.

As a highly-specialised boutique firm with significant expertise in risk analysis and various technologies, Rhisco provides services and solutions on risk capital technology implementations for banks, insurance and other financial companies. Julia Computing builds products focused on productivity, performance and scalability for multiple areas of data science and numerical computing leveraging the Julia programming language. Julia Computing’s products - JuliaPro, JuliaRun, and JuliaFin - are used for modelling financial contracts, asset management, risk management, algorithmic trading, backtesting, and many other areas of computational finance.

By integrating JuliaFin and other products of Julia Computing, Rhisco will significantly enhance its integration platform, Tegra, improving the technology offered to clients that need high performance solutions for risk management and regulatory requirements.

About Julia Computing and Julia

Julia Computing was founded in 2015 by the co-creators of the Julia language to provide support to businesses and researchers who use Julia.

Julia is the fastest modern high performance open source computing language for data and analytics. It combines the functionality and ease of use of Python, R, Matlab, SAS and Stata with the speed of Java and C++. Julia delivers dramatic improvements in simplicity, speed, scalability, capacity and productivity. Julia provides parallel computing capabilities out of the box and literally infinite scalability with minimal effort. With more than 1 million downloads and +161% annual growth, Julia adoption is growing rapidly in finance, energy, robotics, genomics and many other fields.

About Rhisco Group and TEGRA

Rhisco was founded in 2010 by expert professionals, supporting clients internationally through its head office in London, a subsidiary in Mexico, and a network of associates and consulting partners in Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa. The people behind Rhisco have professional, quantitative and technical acumen acquired through several years of industry and consulting practice internationally.

Rhisco has developed TEGRA, a modular integration platform to enhance existing client’s risk infrastructure and accelerate implementation of new age risk technology, including cloud-computing. TEGRA software components provide a significant edge to pricing/risk engines developed by third parties or by the client. This is done through innovative technology for data intelligence, distributed computing, and advance aggregation.