JuliaHub Dash Apps
You can build and host your Dash apps directly on JuliaHub with a Web server that has access permissions to establish who can see your Dash app.
with Plotly’s Dash.jl
Web Hosting for Dashboard Applications in Julia
Web Hosting
JuliaHub now provides a web server where you can host multiple web-based applications and websites.
Low-Code Dashboards
Featuring Dash.jl as a framework with templates to quickly launch dashboard and analytical web apps.
Sharing and Auth
A mechanism to make your web app completely public or display it only for users who have a password. You decide.
Movie Review Sentiment
NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Naïve Bayes, Movies
Predict whether a movie review is positive or negative using a Naïve Bayes classifier trained on the IMDB movie reviews data set.
Consumer Clustering
Marketing, Machine Learning, Clustering, ScikitLearn
Use clustering algorithms to divide consumers into different groups based on demographic information and spending habits.