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Cutting Model Translation Time with Pumas-QSP Importers

On-Demand Webinar

How do you use performance research without having to go through the painstaking model development steps again?

Building accurate and comprehensive models takes months and involves many iterations of refinement. Model codes are hard to reproduce and reuse, and it takes a long time to generate appealing figures to visualize the results. You, the modeler, know the challenges involved.

How do you use this performance research without having to go through the painstaking model development steps again? This video we will cover how to import models from community standards and describe complete optimization problems without knowing Julia. We will show how to leverage PEtab, a spreadsheet & SBML-based format, which is growing in popularity in systems biology.

In this demo, we will:

  • Specify a full optimization problem with the PEtab format

  • Import SBML and BioNetGen models together with CSV data.

  • Visualize your virtual population.

  • Generate a report of the optimization results.


Paul Lang
Software Engineer

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