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Building Data Apps for Dynamic System Simulations with Genie Builder

Written by Pere Giménez | May 22, 2024

Join us for an insightful webinar on leveraging Genie Builder to create dynamic system simulations and interactive dashboards for scientific exploration. In this session, Pere Giménez will guide you through the process of using Genie Builder, to develop a web app for controlling and configuring simulations of a solar panel controller circuit implemented in ModelingToolkit.  

Scientific code often remains inaccessible to stakeholders due to its complexity and lack of user-friendly interfaces. However, with the power of web apps, researchers can now share their code and results intuitively with others. By creating a web app in pure Julia, you can transform your scientific code into an interactive experience, making it easily accessible and shareable online with just a simple link..

During the live demonstration, Pere Giménez will walk you through the step-by-step process of building a dashboard using Genie Builder. Discover how to make your scientific simulations come to life with a graphical interface, enabling real-time interaction and collaboration among stakeholders. 

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