JuliaHub Blog: Insights & Updates

JuliaCon 2024 Tickets | JuliaHub

Written by JuliaHub | Jun 06, 2024



JuliaCon 2024: JuliaCon 2024 takes place from July 9-13 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Workshops will take place Tuesday July 9, presentations will be Wednesday July 10 through Friday July 12 and the hackathon will be Saturday July 13. Click here for more information and to register.

Julia User and Developer Survey: The sixth annual Julia User and Developer Survey is now available! Please complete the survey no later than Monday June 17. Results will be presented at JuliaCon on Wednesday July 10.

Lunch & Learn at JuliaCon with JuliaHub: Register here to join JuliaHub Consulting Director Brad Carman in person at JuliaCon for a free interactive JuliaSim presentation and demo, personalized Q&A and lunch provided by JuliaHub. Click here to choose Wednesday July 10th or Thursday July 11th from 12:30-1:45 pm local time. Space is limited so please reserve today.

Announcing the General Availability of Genie Builder on JuliaHub: We are thrilled to announce that Genie Builder is now available for all users on JuliaHub. This powerful low/no-code tool empowers you to bring your Julia projects to life, creating beautiful, interactive web applications with ease. Explore the capabilities of Genie Builder and transform your ideas into dynamic web experiences today.


Free Webinars from JuliaHub: JuliaHub provides free one-hour Webinars on a variety of topics. Registration is free but space is limited. Click the links below to register, or watch past Webinars here.

JuliaHub Air: JuliaHub for Secure Computing Environments

Tuesday, June 11 @ 1 PM ET (US)

Dr. Matt Bauman, JuliaHub Director of Customer Success; Luke Amdor, JuliaHub Platform Director of Engineering

Register Link >


Building an AI Chatbot for Julia Package Documentation with Genie Builder

Thursday, June 27 @ 1 PM ET (US)

Dr. Pere Giménez, Genie Data Science Advocate

Register Link >


Incrementally Porting Applications to GPUs Using CUDA.jl v5.4

Wednesday, July 17 @ 1 PM ET (US)

Dr. Tim Besard, JuliaHub Software Engineer

Register Link >



CUDA.jl: CUDA.jl 5.4: Memory Management Mayhem is a new blog post from Dr. Tim Besard, JuliaHub Software Engineer. Click here to read.

This Month in Julia World: Stefan Krastanov’s monthly Julia newsletter contains the latest Julia developments and more. Click here to read.

Battery Forum: JuliaHub will be participating in the Battery Forum sponsored by the Volta Foundation on June 10. Click here to register and for more information.

JuliaHub at Vienna International Conference on Learning Representations: Dr. Chris Rackauckas (JuliaHub VP of Modeling and Simulation) delivered a standing-room-only keynote speech on Artificial Intelligence for Differential Equations in Science at the International Conference on Learning Representations in Vienna on May 11. Click here to learn more.

JuliaHub at Grenoble AI for Physical Sciences Workshop: Dr. Chris Rackauckas (JuliaHub VP of Modeling and Simulation) also delivered a keynote speech and led a scientific machine learning (SciML) Julia workshop on May 31. Click here to learn more.

Julia for Generative AI: Mapping Out Phase Diagrams is a new article in Physical Review Letters co-authored by Alan Edelman, JuliaHub co-founder and Chief Scientist and co-creator of Julia. Scientists Use Generative AI to Answer Complex Questions in Physics from MIT News quotes co-author Frank Schäfer:  “The Julia Programming Language, a popular language for scientific computing that is also used in MIT’s introductory linear algebra classes, offers many tools that make it invaluable for constructing such generative models.” Scientists Use GenAI to Uncover New Insights in Materials Science from HPCWire further explains “The Julia Programming Language, known for its outstanding performance in scientific and technical computing, was instrumental in crafting the new ML models. Reportedly, the method published in the paper outperforms other ML techniques in terms of computational efficiency.”

GPU Programming with Julia: A six-hour course on GPU programming using Julia with CUDA.jl is now available. Part 1 and Part 2 can be viewed on YouTube. The course was originally presented November 22-24, 2023 through CSCS, the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, at ETH Zurich, and featured Dr. Tim Besard (JuliaHub Software Engineer).

Harnessing Space Technological Applications in Sustainable Urban Development: The Atlantic International Research Centre presented a workshop on Harnessing Space Technological Applications in Sustainable Urban Development at Parque Tecnológivo UFRJ in Brazil from April 3-5. According to AIR, “the main objective of this project is leveraging the Julia programming language for geospatial data processing to advance sustainable urban development in developing countries and to promote the participation of women and girls in space technology applications and programming.” Project Developer Iga Szczesniak hosted a hands-on session with Julia and João Pinelo Silva presented the core concepts of Julia.

Featured Blog Posts

JuliaHub regularly publishes blog posts on topics of interest. Recent blog posts include:

Building an Interactive Flight Analysis Dashboard with Dash.jl

Announcing JuliaSim Batteries: Advanced Electrochemical Lithium-Ion Battery Simulation

Julia for Actuaries: Julia’s Potential for the Insurance Sector

Introducing JuliaSim HVAC: Revolutionizing Thermofluid System Design, Optimization, and Control

Click here to see more recent posts >

Julia Product + Company News

2024 GSoC and JSoC Fellows Announced: Google Summer of Code and Julia Summer of Code 2024 fellows have been announced. Click here for more.

JuliaHub Consulting Services: Would your organization benefit from a 100x increase in simulation speeds? JuliaSim might be the solution you need. Click here for more information about JuliaSim, and to contact us to learn how JuliaSim can help your business succeed. 

Free Compute on JuliaHub (20 hours): In addition to the features JuliaHub has always offered for free – Julia ecosystem search, package registration tools, a dedicated package server – the platform now also gives every user 20 hours of free compute. This allows people to seamlessly share Pluto notebooks and IDE projects with others and lets them get their feet wet with computing without having to open up their wallets. Click here to get started or check out Deep Datta’s introductory video, “JuliaHub Is a Free Platform to Start Your Technical Computing Journey”, where he explains how and why to start using JuliaHub for cloud computing.

Converting from Proprietary Software to Julia: Are you looking to leverage Julia’s superior speed and ease of use, but limited due to legacy software and code? JuliaHub and our partners can help accelerate replacing your existing proprietary applications, improve performance, reduce development time, augment or replace existing systems and provide an extended trusted team to deliver Julia solutions. Leverage experienced resources from JuliaHub and our partners to get your team up and running quickly. For more information, please contact us.

Careers at JuliaHub: JuliaHub is a fast-growing tech company with fully remote employees in 20 countries on 6 continents. Click here to learn more about exciting careers and internships with JuliaHub.

Julia and JuliaHub in the News

Sitepoint: Best Programming Language for AI

Analytics Insight: Can Julia Win Over Python - What You Need to Know!

MarkTechPost: Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools That Can Generate Code To Help Programmers (2024)

Analytics Insight: Data Science IDEs: Programming Tools Explained

UbuntuPIT: How to Install Anaconda Navigator and JupyterLab in Linux

Simplilearn: 24 Innovative Machine Learning Projects for 2024: A Showcase

Techzine: The Julia Programming Language: A Missed Opportunity for AI

Innovation Origins: There Is a New Coding Language in Town: Meet Julia

MIT News: Scientists Use Generative AI to Answer Complex Questions in Physics

Physical Review Letters: Mapping Out Phase Diagrams with Generative Classifiers

Open Source: Languages for AI/ML: A Quick Look at Python, R, and Julia

Dice: How Python Can Make You an AI Expert

InfoWorld: Fortran Popularity Rises with Numerical and Scientific Computing

HPCWire: Scientists Use GenAI to Uncover New Insights in Materials Science

WebProNews: Fortran On the Rise: Programming Language Cracks Top 10

Analytics Insight: Apache Spark vs Julia: Best Tool for Data Scientists in 2024

Unite: 5 Best Machine Learning (AI) Programming Languages 

Analytics Insight: Generative AI Aids Scientist in Solving Complex Physics Problems

Australian Computer Society: AI Is Helping Devs Use Retro Languages like COBOL

Julia Blog Posts

Building an Interactive Flight Analysis Dashboard with Dash.jl (Maja Gwozdz)

Announcing JuliaSim Batteries: Advanced Electrochemical Lithium-Ion Battery Simulation (Jasmine Chokshi)

Julia for Actuaries: Julia’s Potential for the Insurance Sector (Jasmine Chokshi)

Introducing JuliaSim HVAC: Revolutionizing Thermofluid System Design, Optimization, and Control (Jasmine Chokshi)

2024 GSoC and JSoC Fellows Announced (Avik Sengupta, Jacob Zelko)

CUDA.jl 5.4: Memory Management Mayhem (Tim Besard)

OneAPI.jl 1.5: Ponte Vecchio Support and OneMKL Improvements (Tim Besard)

CUDA.jl 5.2 and 5.3: Maintenance Releases (Tim Besard)

This Month in Julia World (Stefan Krastanov)

Installing Julia with Juliaup in a Conda Environment (Gwang Jin Kim)

Julia Programming Language Overview (Configr Technologies)

5 Lesser-Known Programming Languages That Are Easy to Learn and Highly Effective (M Mainul Hasan)

Intro to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for Email Spam Detection Using Julia Lang (Alex V. Mantzaris)

Python vs. Julia: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job (Mir Tahmid)

Julia vs. Python: Choosing the Right Language for Data Science and Beyond (Shreeram Saini)

My Learning Exploratory Project: Capturing and Visualizing Ethereum On-Chain Data with Python and Julia (Wilfred Chan)

Autoencoders as a Way to Refine Cluster Analysis (Antonello Lobianco)

AI Development Unleashed: Exploring the 7 Cornerstone Programming Languages (Adam Osborne)

Bayesian Inference for SDE Models: A Case Study for an Excitable Stochastic-Dynamical Model (Sebastiano Grazzi, Frank van der Meulen, Marcin Mider, Moritz Schauer)

Getting Started with DataFrames.jl: A Beginner's Guide (Joel Nelson)

Recreating the Makie Logo with Luxor.jl (Julius Krumbiegel)

ML Project Environment Setup in Julia, a Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide (Julia Frank)

A Simple Coin-Tossing Game (Bogumił Kamiński)

DataFrames.jl: Avoiding Compilation (Bogumił Kamiński)

Julia for Data Analysis Strikes Back (Bogumił Kamiński)

Breaking a Passcode with Julia (Bogumił Kamiński)

Annotating Columns of a Data Frame with DataFramesMeta.jl (Bogumił Kamiński)

Onboarding DataFrames.jl (Bogumił Kamiński)

Sorting Data with Missing Values (Bogumił Kamiński)

Deduplication of Rows in DataFrames.jl (Bogumił Kamiński)

Transforming Multiple Columns in DataFrames.jl (Bogumił Kamiński)

Getting Full Factorial Design in DataFrames.jl (Bogumił Kamiński)

Storing Vectors of Vectors in DataFrames.jl (Bogumił Kamiński)

Creating My New Automated Documentation With Toolips (Emma Boudreau)

Introducing Gattino: The Hyper-Composable Data-Visualization Framework (Emma Boudreau)

Gattino’s Latest Upgrades (Emma Boudreau)

Working With Files And FilePaths In Julia (Emma Boudreau)

Gattino Is Getting Crazy… (Emma Boudreau)

Next Up: Gattino! (Emma Boudreau)

Making Random Things With ToolipsSVG (Emma Boudreau)

The Server Development Framework Of My Dreams (Emma Boudreau)

Putting The Finishing Touches On My Julia RPC Chatting App (Emma Boudreau)

Adding Load Balancing To My Proxy Server With Multi-Route (Emma Boudreau)

Perfect Toolips Multi-Threading (Emma Boudreau)

Julia’s Type System Explained (Emma Boudreau)

Almost Finishing The RPC Chat App (Emma Boudreau)

How To Make Your Own Sink Arguments In Julia (Emma Boudreau)

Epic Additions To My UDP DNS Server (Emma Boudreau)

LESSONS LEARNED: Programming Mistakes That Are Easy To Make (Emma Boudreau)

ToolipsServables.jl— Chifi Update (Emma Boudreau)

5 Julia Packages You Should Try In 2024 (Emma Boudreau)

Fields In Julia: Full Overview (Emma Boudreau)

Working with Features in Julia (Emma Boudreau)

JLChat 2.0: Building Another Cool Chat App (I) (Emma Boudreau)

Great News! (Emma Boudreau)

How to Program Faster in Julia! (Emma Boudreau)

YES, You SHOULD Learn More Languages (Emma Boudreau)

A Comparison Between Toolips 0.2 and 0.3 (Emma Boudreau)

On the Verge! (Emma Boudreau)

What I Am Working On (Emma Boudreau)

Simple Classical Planning Problem Solved with PDDL (1) (Ramón Barrios Láscar)

Resolución de un Problema Simple de Planificación Automática con PDDL (1) (Ramón Barrios Láscar)

Simple Problem Resolution of Classical Planning in PDDL #1 — Beginner’s Introduction (Ramón Barrios Láscar)

Resolución de Problemas Simples de Planificación Clásica en PDDL #1 — Introducción para Principiantes (Ramón Barrios Láscar)

Exploring Programming Languages: Julia (Alvaro Tejada Galindo)

Julia vs. Python: A Comprehensive Comparison (Educative)

The Programming Languages I Learned in My Quantum Computing Job (Tara Jones)

A 7 Billion Parameter Model that Beats GPT-4 on Julia Code? (Jan Siml)

Six Steps to Success: Designing and Delivering Your First Generative AI Demo (Jan Siml)

Mastering Efficient Array Operations with StaticArrays.jl in Julia (Steven Whitaker)

Upcoming Julia and JuliaHub Events


Mainz: Julia User Group with Evangelos Moulas at Johannes Gutenberg University June 10

Online: Battery Forum with JuliaHub June 10

Online: JuliaHub Air: JuliaHub for Secure Computing Environments with Dr. Matt Bauman (JuliaHub Director of Customer Success) and Luke Amdor (JuliaHub Platform Director of Engineering) June 11

Online: Modeling and Execution of Discrete-Time Controllers and State Machines in JuliaSim with Dr. Fredrik Bagge Carlson (JuliaSim Control Systems Team Lead) June 19

Online: Building an AI Chatbot for Julia Package Documentation with Genie Builder with Dr. Pere Giménez (Genie Data Science Advocate) June 27


Mainz: Julia User Group at Johannes Gutenberg University July 1

Eindhoven: JuliaCon 2024 July 9-13

Online: Incrementally Porting Applications to GPUs Using CUDA.jl v5.4 with Dr. Tim Besard (JuliaHub Software Engineer) July 17

Recent Julia and JuliaHub Events

Online: Advancements in Acausal Modeling with ModelingToolkit v9 with Dr. Chris Rackauckas (JuliaHub VP Modeling and Simulation) April 22

Vienna: AI4DifferentialEquations in Science at International Conference on Learning Representations 2024 Workshop with Dr. Chris Rackauckas (JuliaHub VP Modeling and Simulation) May 11

Mainz: Julia User Group with Boris Kaus at Johannes Gutenberg University May 13

Grenoble: SciML with Julia at Grenoble Artificial Intelligence for Physical Sciences Workshop with Dr. Chris Rackauckas (JuliaHub VP Modeling and Simulation) May 31

About JuliaHub and Julia

JuliaHub is a fast and easy-to-use code-to-cloud platform that accelerates the development and deployment of Julia programs. JuliaHub users include some of the most innovative companies in a range of industries including pharmaceuticals, automotive, energy, manufacturing, and semiconductor design and manufacture.

Julia is a high performance open source programming language that powers computationally demanding applications in modeling and simulation, drug development, design of multi-physical systems, electronic design automation, big data analytics, scientific machine learning and artificial intelligence. Julia solves the two language problem by combining the ease of use of Python and R with the speed of C++. Julia provides parallel computing capabilities out of the box and unlimited scalability with minimal effort. Julia has been downloaded by users at more than 10,000 companies and is used at more than 1,500 universities. Julia co-creators are the winners of the prestigious James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the Sidney Fernbach Award.


Contact Us

Please contact us if you want to:

  • Learn more about JuliaHub, JuliaSim, Pumas, PumasQSP or CedarEDA 
  • Obtain pricing for Julia consulting projects for your organization
  • Schedule Julia training for your organization
  • Share information about exciting new Julia case studies or use cases
  • Spread the word about an upcoming online or offline event involving Julia
  • Partner with JuliaHub to organize a Julia event online or offline
  • Submit a Julia internship, fellowship or job posting